Thursday, July 20, 2006

the Good list

Why we love cats & dogs
by Alice Oglethorpe


1. Noses that twitch
2. Supersoft pink paws
3. Their love affair with open boxes...
4. ...and rubber bands
5. Their vigilant surveillance of the front walk
6. Rhythmic purrs
7. Full-body stretches
8. They curl up on your chest-and even put a paw to your cheek
9. Their sloooow eyeblinks
10. Their ability to find the only square of sunshine on the carpet-and fall asleep in it
11. "Pet me now" nudges
12. Their haughty independence...
13. ...combined with their constant need to be near you
14. Their attention-seeking stunts
15. The way they curl their tails around their feet so tidily
16. The warmth of their bodies
17. Sandpaper kisses
18. Their cranky meows when you keep them waiting
19. They daintily step all over the newspaper you're reading
20. Whenever you look up, they're there


1. Floppy ears
2. Faces that drip with wrinkles
3. They sense it when you're sad
4. Wild rolls in the grass
5. They fearlessly stick their heads out car windows
6. That quizzical head tilt
7. They go silly with joy when you get home
8. Piglike snorts
9. Ponylike trots
10. They can walk themselves, leash in mouth
11. Noses that nuzzle
12. They get so excited, they shake
13. The ladylike way they sometimes cross their paws
14. The spot you can scratch to make their leg go crazy
15. Their bravery, except during storms
16. They "run" in their sleep pawing the air
17. Mournful looks when they're hoping for a treat
18. Going belly up for a tummy rub
19. Their enormous, contagious yawns
20. They always love you-even on days when you can't do anything right

1 comment:

Amaya said...

I love it! Makes me want to go home and cuddle with my kitties!