Friday, July 14, 2006

Zealous Jealousy

I don't know why but I have this thing about getting jealous. I can't help myself. I tell myself I'm not jealous but deep down I know I am. Wednesday I read that Ursula (friend) was going to babysit Louise's 3 year old because Louise needed to take her 2 month old for a doctor appointment. Usually Louise and I babysit for one another. No matter how many times I tell myself that she is only having Ursula babysit because I'm working, I still feel jilted that she didn't ask me. Why am I overcome with this feeling of hurt and betrayal? Is it because I'm insecure?

This jealousy occurs whenever Louise has Ursula do something for her instead of asking me. Now Louise and I are best friends. I have a right to feel jealous. Don't I?

How do I overcome this jealousy? I only felt better after Louise told me Ursula had asked her if Kendra could come over and play with Abby. If Louise hadn't told me this, I still would have been mulling over this whole situation. I do that. I keep thinking about the situation until I'm so irritated and hurt.

Any ideas to get over the jealousy?

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