Monday, November 13, 2006

Thanks, Mom!

I know! I haven't written in ages. I think I was having post partum depression. I don't realize I'm depressed until something (like my meds) gets me out of it and then I realize that I really was down. I've been really stressed out with life in general - work and home, which was causing me to be extremely tired and cranky with my husband. So then he in return gets irritated with me which then in turn makes me feel even worse. My mom finally asked me if I was still taking my anti-depressant because I've been sounding really down lately. So I finally went to the doctor and talked to him. He upped my medicine which I didn't want to do but my friend said I should if it would help me. There's nothing to lose with doing it. So I did and man, I feel alive now. I have so much more energy. So I want to say thank you, Mom.

1 comment:

Amaya said...

I wanted to tell you (but forgot) that you looked so beautiful last night after the game.
Your face was red and your hair tossled. And you had such a big beautiful smile that wouldn't quit.
You looked really happy. Which made me happy.