Friday, July 28, 2006

I've Got 5 Pockets In My Overalls

This list courtesy of So the Fish Said.

Five Items in my Freezer
Ice cream sandwiches
Ground beef
Glass mug
Ice cream

Five Items in my Closet
Boxes of maternity clothes

Five Items in my Car
Cookie Monster sticker
Coin purse
Cell phone adapter
First aid bag

Five Items in my Purse
Barnes & Noble gift card
Cell phone

Five People I Tag

Nada, Nada, Enchilada

I used to say this to this little Mexican guy I used to work with. He would just shake his head sadly at me.

Anyway, I've decided to just use real names in this here blog. I mean, really, the only person who reads my blog is my sister. She's so good to me! But damn it, Amaya (okay, so this isn't her real name, but I haven't asked her yet if it's okay to use her real name. Although I kind of like using Amaya. I wanted to name my child Amaya but Matt said it would be weird since a friend of ours daughter's name is Amaya. Whatever.) Anyway, as I was saying, damn it, Amaya, ever since you were complaining to me about not being able to fall asleep and I told you that I didn't have that problem, I haven't been able to fall asleep! Now my mind immediately turns on and I start thinking about things. So here I am, at 4:30am in the morning, writing in my blog. I'm awake in the first place because I got up to go to the bathroom. Then I was debating whether I should pump or not. I opted for the latter. Wrong choice. Now I can't sleep because my feet are hot and my mind is wandering.

I, I, I....

Cold Feet, Hot Feet. Feet, Feet, Feet.

I was lying awake at 4:00am (thanks to Amaya) trying to fall asleep but my feet were hot. So I throw the covers off of me and try to sleep. Now I'm cold from the fan blowing on me. So put the covers back on me and stick my feet out of the covers on the side. This is not comfortable. What to do?

On the other hand, my feet are usually freezing cold ( just ask Matt). My feet can get icicle cold just from walking around barefoot when it's 100 degrees outside. Granted, I'm inside an air conditioned house. But still, what's up with this?

Thursday, July 20, 2006

the Good list

Why we love cats & dogs
by Alice Oglethorpe


1. Noses that twitch
2. Supersoft pink paws
3. Their love affair with open boxes...
4. ...and rubber bands
5. Their vigilant surveillance of the front walk
6. Rhythmic purrs
7. Full-body stretches
8. They curl up on your chest-and even put a paw to your cheek
9. Their sloooow eyeblinks
10. Their ability to find the only square of sunshine on the carpet-and fall asleep in it
11. "Pet me now" nudges
12. Their haughty independence...
13. ...combined with their constant need to be near you
14. Their attention-seeking stunts
15. The way they curl their tails around their feet so tidily
16. The warmth of their bodies
17. Sandpaper kisses
18. Their cranky meows when you keep them waiting
19. They daintily step all over the newspaper you're reading
20. Whenever you look up, they're there


1. Floppy ears
2. Faces that drip with wrinkles
3. They sense it when you're sad
4. Wild rolls in the grass
5. They fearlessly stick their heads out car windows
6. That quizzical head tilt
7. They go silly with joy when you get home
8. Piglike snorts
9. Ponylike trots
10. They can walk themselves, leash in mouth
11. Noses that nuzzle
12. They get so excited, they shake
13. The ladylike way they sometimes cross their paws
14. The spot you can scratch to make their leg go crazy
15. Their bravery, except during storms
16. They "run" in their sleep pawing the air
17. Mournful looks when they're hoping for a treat
18. Going belly up for a tummy rub
19. Their enormous, contagious yawns
20. They always love you-even on days when you can't do anything right

Friday, July 14, 2006

7 Things

Courtesy of Amaya. I love these questionnaires but even more I love to read others' answers to these questionnaires. Here goes...

7 Things I plan to do before I die:

1) Go to a Detroit Pistons basketball game
2) Visit Europe, S. Korea, and northeast United States
3) Watch all the movies we have
4) Be on some TV show - whether it be a game show or a talk show or in the audience of a reality tv show like So You Think You Can Dance or you get the idea
5) Own a boat and live by a lake
6) Go to Hawaii again
7) Swim with dolphins

7 Things I Can Do:

1) Speak Spanish
2) Play piano
3) Make greeting cards
4) Flare my nostrils
5) Ponytails and braids (surprisingly not as many people as I thought know how to do this)
6) Type with a 3 month old squirmy boy in my lap
7) Make a mean lasagna

7 Things I Cannot Do:

1) Roll my 'r's
2) Paint my fingernails
3) Get a tattoo
4) A true push up
5) Eat sushi
6) Touch a snake
7) Sitting down on floor with legs out, bending over to touch my nose on the floor.

7 Things that attract me to the opposite sex/another person:

1) Face
2) Smile
3) Hair (or lack of)
4) Hands
5) Humor
6) Intelligence
7) Legs

7 Things that I say most often:

1) Punk
2) Jackie (meaning Jackass)
3) Stop it!
4) Don't!
5) I'm tired
6) Word
7) Hi

7 Celebrity Crushes:

1) Keifer Sutherland (My true crush)
2) Benjamin Bratt (I liked him in Law & Order)
3) Matthew McConaughney (Not my typical dark haired guy, but I like the guys he plays in movies)
4) Peter Gallagher (He's kind of old and has the bushiest eye brows, but I like him)
5) Luke Wilson (There's just something about him that I like)
6) Harry Connick Jr. (Hey, he plays the piano, sings, and is good looking)
7) Chris Noth

The Celebrity Crushes was the most difficult one to do. They're not really crushes but actors I really like.

Zealous Jealousy

I don't know why but I have this thing about getting jealous. I can't help myself. I tell myself I'm not jealous but deep down I know I am. Wednesday I read that Ursula (friend) was going to babysit Louise's 3 year old because Louise needed to take her 2 month old for a doctor appointment. Usually Louise and I babysit for one another. No matter how many times I tell myself that she is only having Ursula babysit because I'm working, I still feel jilted that she didn't ask me. Why am I overcome with this feeling of hurt and betrayal? Is it because I'm insecure?

This jealousy occurs whenever Louise has Ursula do something for her instead of asking me. Now Louise and I are best friends. I have a right to feel jealous. Don't I?

How do I overcome this jealousy? I only felt better after Louise told me Ursula had asked her if Kendra could come over and play with Abby. If Louise hadn't told me this, I still would have been mulling over this whole situation. I do that. I keep thinking about the situation until I'm so irritated and hurt.

Any ideas to get over the jealousy?

Thursday, July 13, 2006


So I had a meltdown at the end of my work day yesterday. I was frustrated. Here I sit all day long in my office waiting for work or taking care of Jim or actually doing a little bit of work they actually send me. And at the end of the day, I've only actually worked a few hours. I'm just so disappointed.

So during the time I'm waiting for my work to come in and Jim is actually sleeping, I read my sister's blog and it's about the homes we've lived in. It gets me a little choked up. With the reminiscing, frustration, and tiredness, I break down and cry. I call my best friend and wail to her my misery. She lets me vent and I am comforted.

Thanks, Louise! You're the best!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

It's Me

10 years ago…I was living in Corvallis about to start my second year at OSU. I was working over in the forestry dept on a soil project.

5 years ago...I was working for Terra Nova Nursery in the laboratory. I was trying to talk Honky into starting a family.

1 year ago...I was trying to talk Honky into having another child.

Yesterday...I was trying to work, take care of Mag and attend to Jim's needs. Then I played softball. Then I worked some more in the evening. Then I worked on my blog.

Today... I took a shower right after I fed Jim. Then I got Mag ready for school and then ate breakfast. Then im-ed my sister.

Tomorrow...I'll be doing what I was doing yesterday. But then I get to go to dinner with some friends. Yay!

5 snacks I enjoy...fresh fruit, chocolate pudding, popcorn, skittles, bread w/butter.

5 songs I know all the words to...I’m really bad at knowing the words to songs. I only know Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, I’ve Got the Joy Down In My Heart, Mary Had a Little Lamb, ABC’s, and I’m a Nut.

5 reality television shows I watch...I can’t help but watch these. American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, The Apprentice, Hell’s Kitchen (I know!), sometimes Survivor.

5 television shows I watch daily... none.

5 things I would do with $100,000,000... pay off debts, buy my dream house, some cars, a boat, a cabin by a lake

5 locations I would love to run away to...Maui, Flathead Lake, Spain, Barbados, a hot spring

5 things I like doing...Watching movies, reading, playing w/kids, blogging, lying on my hammock.

5 things I would never wear...fur coat, string bikini, transparent swimsuit, U of O clothing, polyester.

5 recently seen movies I like...Failure to Launch, The Family Stone, Shallow Hal

5 famous people I'd like to meet... Keifer Sutherland, Ellen DeGeneres,

5 biggest joys of the moment...eating fresh picked blueberries, Jim & Mag, sunshine, getting emails/letters, and Beavers baseball team being National Champs!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

10 Things

Via Amaya. List up to ten (10) things you want to say to ten (10) different people. Do not state who these people are. Do not confirm or deny any 'comment speculation'...

1) I know you love me but everything you say to me seems insincere.
2) I'm so thankful you're my best friend!
3) I love that we are so close now!
4) As much as I complain about everything, I do love you!
5) I hope I can be as cool of a mom as you are!
6) Why did you insist on always saying to me that I'm a good, young lady?
7) As much as I love you, I feel as though you resented my being adopted.
8) I love you so much! You have enriched my life!
9) I feel as though you're only my friend because our husbands work together and you love our kids.
10) I'm sorry I was so mean to you growing up!

Monday, July 10, 2006

My Sister Was Right

She said creating a blog is easy. She was right. Now I just need to find the time to keep up with this thing called blogging. I'm married, have two children - a 2 1/2 year old and a 12 week old, and work part time. Time - what's that?