Thursday, July 13, 2006


So I had a meltdown at the end of my work day yesterday. I was frustrated. Here I sit all day long in my office waiting for work or taking care of Jim or actually doing a little bit of work they actually send me. And at the end of the day, I've only actually worked a few hours. I'm just so disappointed.

So during the time I'm waiting for my work to come in and Jim is actually sleeping, I read my sister's blog and it's about the homes we've lived in. It gets me a little choked up. With the reminiscing, frustration, and tiredness, I break down and cry. I call my best friend and wail to her my misery. She lets me vent and I am comforted.

Thanks, Louise! You're the best!

1 comment:

Amaya said...

Oh sister! I'm so sorry to hear that my blog got you choked up.

I'm so glad that you have Louise.