Thursday, September 14, 2006

Happy Birthday early...

I received a message on my answering machine from one of my best friends who lives in Texas wishing me an early happy birthday because tomorrow she is going to be in the hospital. My first thought when I heard this was, oh my gosh, I wonder why she's going to be in the hospital. She never tells me anything! So of course I had to call her back and ask. Seems there was nothing to worry about. She is in nursing school and will be at the hospital to learn.

Is she trying to give me a heart attack at the young age of 32. That's right, I say young! Matt likes to tell me otherwise. Sometimes I feel old, especially when I'm dragging at 11:00pm at night. Or when I'm lying on the couch, moaning about how my back is killing me. But damn if I will succomb to the aging process. I will lose this stomach that's bulging out of my pant waist. I will make my body more limber. I will complain less and laugh more. I will relax. Damnit, I will relax. I will!

This will be a year of energy, a year of laughter, a year of friendships new and old, a year to behold in the memories of when I am old.

Happy Birthday to me - one hour and 19 minutes from now.

1 comment:

Amaya said...

Happy Birthday!!!
I like "the year of energy, a year of laughter..." Sounds like 32 is going to be a great year for you!
OMG! You're 32! And I'm going to be 27!