Friday, July 28, 2006

Nada, Nada, Enchilada

I used to say this to this little Mexican guy I used to work with. He would just shake his head sadly at me.

Anyway, I've decided to just use real names in this here blog. I mean, really, the only person who reads my blog is my sister. She's so good to me! But damn it, Amaya (okay, so this isn't her real name, but I haven't asked her yet if it's okay to use her real name. Although I kind of like using Amaya. I wanted to name my child Amaya but Matt said it would be weird since a friend of ours daughter's name is Amaya. Whatever.) Anyway, as I was saying, damn it, Amaya, ever since you were complaining to me about not being able to fall asleep and I told you that I didn't have that problem, I haven't been able to fall asleep! Now my mind immediately turns on and I start thinking about things. So here I am, at 4:30am in the morning, writing in my blog. I'm awake in the first place because I got up to go to the bathroom. Then I was debating whether I should pump or not. I opted for the latter. Wrong choice. Now I can't sleep because my feet are hot and my mind is wandering.

I, I, I....

1 comment:

Amaya said...
