Sunday, August 13, 2006

Do I have a sign on my forehead?

Do I have a sign on my forehead that says, 'Speak to me like I am 12 years old.'? That's how I feel Matilda talks and treats me. "Hi Picklehead." It's hard to explain but I feel she thinks because I'm her little sister I will always be 'little'. But someone tells me that's just the way Matilda is.

1 comment:

Amaya said...

I think this blog is going to really help you speak up and get things off your chest.
To be quite honest, I think you get irrited because you've held things in for so long that you can't pin-point what it is that's upsetting you in the first place.
But I also know that you love our family so much that it hurts sometimes and I am here to support you and your blogging endeavours in any way I can. I love you sister!