Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My Children

I'm having one of those moments where I am so in love with my children. We had a family date night as my sister called it. We had dinner and then we all played together in the living room. Then after putting Isaiah to bed, Allison and I made the biscuit part for the peach cobbler while Matt peeled and cut the peaches. Then I read books to Allison while Matt stirred the peaches and cobbler sauce.

Anyway, I just can't get over how cute Allison is when she says the funniest things and how adorable Isaiah is when he looks up at me with a great big smile. Their laughter makes me smile.

I know I'm being one of those parents who gushes over their kids. Well, if you don't like it you can stop reading now. I'm sure I'll be over this moment when the kids come home tonight and I'm dead tired from lack of sleep this morning (Isaiah up at 3:30am).

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