Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sleep (or lack of)

So for the past month I have been getting up to my alarm at two or three in the morning to pump so Isaiah can have breast milk at day care. Who knew that just 15 minutes of being awake during the middle of the night can wreak such havoc on one's body. Man, I have been so tired because of this lack of sleep. I thought it might be because of the interruption during the night and getting up at 6am. But last night I skipped pumping and still woke up at 6am and I feel amazingly wonderful today.

So how does my father-in-law do it? He worked nights and then come home and sleep for a couple of hours. Then wake up and do whatever. Then he would sleep a couple of hours before having to go to work in the evening.

Anyone able to understand this?

1 comment:

Amaya said...

I don't get that either. Mel is the same way. She will sometimes go 30 some hours without sleep to compensate for her swing shift AND spending time with family.
You would NOT want to see me with a schedule like that.